Cliff Crook’s interest in the legend of Bigfoot began when he was sixteen years old during a camping trip in an isolated section of backwoods near Duvall, Washington. According to Crook’s retelling of the encounter, a Bigfoot approached the camp site were himself and three friends were gathered around the camp fire, one of the boys German Sheppard took off after the creature but was picked up and thrown a their feet. They reported hearing a deep, horrendous sound as the beast came closer. The boys took off and ran home barefoot, leaving everything behind.
From that point on the topic of Bigfoot became something of an obsession for Cliff Crook, he developed a variety of items for Bigfoot researchers as well as an extensive collection of items aimed at tourists. These items included the Bigfoot Totem postcard, Wild Creek Bigfoot postcard, Bigfoot Bumper stickers, buttons, ribbons, shirts, caps, the Bigfoot Map, the Bigfoot Trailblazer, the Bigfoot Trails newsletter and Bigfoot and the Moon. In 1976, Crook developed a seven point tracking test to detect hoaxed Bigfoot prints and in 1982 he established North America’s first Bigfoot Reports Headquarters and Research Data Base, called the Bigfoot Central.
As Mr. Crook continued his ongoing research into the existence of Bigfoot his name became more synonymous with the creature. In 1987 Crook served as an uncredited technical consultant for the Hollywood movie, Harry and the Hendersons, which featured a character based on his description. In 1991, Bigfoot Central became the first Bigfoot research organization officially sanctioned by the state of Washington. All seemed to be going well for Cliff Crook, as he continued his researcher and commercial marketing of Bigfoot.
However, in the mid 1990, after he allegedly purchased and promoted what he claimed to be the clearest known photographs of Bigfoot, Cliff Crook became the focus of much criticism and controversy. In October of 1995, Mr. Crook claimed to have purchased seven photographs from an unnamed wild life official who allegedly heard a splashing sound behind him while hiking near a lake deep in the woods. As he investigated the sound he looked down from the cliff he was standing on to see a large Bigfoot in the water below, he snapped several pictures of creature, these photos would later become known as the Wild Creek Bigfoot Photographs.
Today Cliff Crook continues to operate Bigfoot Central and the Bigfoot Museum and despite constant attacks by other researcher in the field, including the BFRO, Bigfoot Field Research Organization, Mr. Crook stands firm on his beliefs in his photographs and there origins.
Quick Info: (where applicable)
Date of Birth: 1940
Birthplace: Unable to locate at this time
Current Location: Unable to locate at this time
Books: NA
Schooling and/or Degrees: NA
• Bigfoot Central (founder)
Website: www.angelfire.com/biz/bigfootcentral