Daniel Perez first became interested in the Bigfoot phenomena at the age of 10 when he saw the pseudo documentary film, The Legend of Boggy Creek in 1973. In 1979 Daniel founded the Center for Bigfoot Studies and started the popular Bigfoot Times newsletter, which he both edits and publishes. The newsletter is well known amongst Bigfoot investigators for its hard hitting and controversial critiques of even the most prominent Bigfoot researchers and their work.
Mr. Perez has written several books on the topic of Bigfoot, and although he has never seen the creature himself, what little evidence does exist is enough to convince him that this is no imaginary beast. Daniel Perez’s research has taken him all over the United States including the Pacific Northwest and Utah’s High Uinta Mountains, a location he says is the best for Bigfoot hunting. In 2002 he ventured to Russia and met up with noted Bigfoot researchers Igor Bourtsev, Dmitri Bayanov, Dr. Michael Trachtengerts and Vadim Makarov to investigate their own version of Bigfoot, the Almas.
Today Daniel Perez splits his time between his day job as an electrician and his passion for investigating Bigfoot. He has amassed a huge collection of reports and holds the unique distinction of having been to more alleged Bigfoot filming locations than anyone else in the world.
Quick Info: (where applicable)
Date of Birth: 1963
Birthplace: Norwalk, California
Current Location: Norwalk, California
• The Bigfoot Directory (1986)
• Big Footnotes: A comprehensive Bibliography Concerning Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman and Related Beings (1988)
• Bigfoot at Bluff Creek (1994)
Schooling and/or Degrees:
• Santa Fe High School (graduate)
• Humboldt State University (did not complete)
• Center for Bigfoot Studies
Website: www.bigfoottimes.net