One of British Columbia’s foremost cryptozoological researchers, James Clark amassed what is considered by some to be the largest collection of sighting reports and papers on a variety of crytids in that province. He proved to be particularly adept at finding long forgotten sighting accounts in a variety of newspaper archives in British Columbia as well as in other provinces.
Along with scientist Paul LeBlond and journalist John Kirk, James Clark founded the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club or the BCSCC, in May 1989. Since its humble beginnings the BCSCC has become the second largest and the most active cryptozoological organization in the world today.
While doing field research in July of 1989 Clark fulfilled a long standing dream when he and one of his colleagues sighted what they claimed to be Ogopogo, the lake monster of Okanagan Lake. The sighting occurred just a few hundred feet offshore from the beach at Peach Orchard, Summerland, British Columbia. The thirty five foot multi humped animal remained in the view of Clark and his team for approximately one minute before submerging to avoid two approaching speedboats.
Not long after his sighting, Clark and his wife, Barbara, decided to move from their home in Coquitlam to Kelowna on the shores of Okanagan Lake in an effort to spend more time researching and observing Ogopogo. Sadly, two weeks after settling into their new home, James Clark suffered a massive heart attack brought on by a liver problem and subsequently died in September of 1989.
After his death the BCSCC instituted the Jim Clark Memorial Prize commemorating his dedication and achievement in the field of cryptozoology. Each yeah elementary schoolchildren in British Columbia are invited to submit projects dealing with cryptozoological animals for assessment by a panel of BCSCC members. The winner receives a cash prize for his or her efforts and since the programs creation in 1989 has awarded this price every year.
Quick Info: (where applicable)
Date of Birth: 1960
Birthplace: British Colombia, Canada
Current Location: NA
Books: NA
Schooling and/or Degrees: NA
• British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club - (BCSCC) - (Co Founder)
Website: www.bcscc.ca