According to Scott Norman’s own website, www.crytpozoologicalrealms.com he was born on March 15, 1964 in Salinas, California. Scott has always had a strong fascination with dinosaurs which friends, family, and co-workers have known about. In 1993 or 1994 a co-worker introduced Scott to Herman Regusters who had been to the Congo in search of Mokele-mbembe, a possible living dinosaur. Scott was intrigued by the video that Herman has put together about his trip and the possibility of another trip in the future.
At that time Scott kept that information in the back of his mind about the possibility of living dinosaurs but did not do much with it. Then in early 1996, he stumbled across Dr. Roy Mackal's book, A Living Dinosaur? In Search of Mokele-mbembe at the Los Angeles Public Library. After reading the book, Scott started researching more about Mokele-mbembe which then also lead to a strong interest in cryptozoology in general.
In July of 1996, Scott started learning how to create web pages and decided to create a page on Mokele-mbembe. At the same time he was trying to find general information about cryptozoology on the internet and was not finding much. So, he decided to start a web site on cryptozoology in general, thus the web site Cryptozoological Realms was born. This site and listing the word cryptozoology in his AOL membership profile has given Scott the chance to meet people world-wide who are interested in cryptozoology.
Among the first people he meet was Bill Rebsamen, a wildlife artist. After exchanging emails, Scott asked Bill if he would be interested in doing some original art work for the site and Bill accepted. Scott was ecstatic to get rid of the clip art he had been using and to replace it with high quality art work. In exchange, Scott designed a web site for Bill to showcase his cryptozoology and wildlife artwork. He also meet Dr. Karl Shuker though email and was able to help him track down information on black tigers in India. He also designed Karl's web site. Scott also meet Bill Gibbons who had also been to the Congo in search of Mokele-mbembe. He and Bill Gibbons are working on some future cryptozoology expeditions. Scott has enjoyed all the people he has meet who are interested in cryptozoology, looks forward to doing some field research. He currently works as web developer and is President of CryptoSafari: Exploring the World's Hidden Wonders, a non-profit cryptzoological and scientific research organization, and web master of Cryptozoological Realms.
Quick Info: (where applicable)
Date of Birth: March 15, 1964
Birthplace: Salinas, California, United States of America
Current Location: Unclear at this time
Books: NA
Schooling and/or Degrees: NA
• CryptoSafari (president)
• Cryptozoological Realms (webmaster and founder)
Website: www.cryptozoologicalrealms.com