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Loch Quoich is located west of Loch Garry and approximately 24 miles northwest of Fort Williams, Lochaber in beautiful Scotland. Both Loch Garry and Loch Quoich form part of the Glen Garry hydroelectric project which was commissioned by the North of Scotland Hydro Electric Board in the 1950’s. The dam built on Loch Quoich is the largest rockfill dam in Scotland at 960 feet long and 114 feet high. As is the case with many Scottish Lochs, Loch Quoich is the reported home of a large unidentified lake monster.

There seems to be two general descriptions when it comes to Scottish Loch Monsters, the first and most popular seems to be that of the plesiosaur, a long necked reptile thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago. The second, which is found in Loch Quoich Monster sightings, is described as a large serpent like creature with a head that looks like that of a horses. This second description is also found in centuries old sightings of Water Horses like Kelpie.

The Evidence
There is currently no physical evidence to support the existence of the Loch Quoich Monster, however hundreds of sightings in almost every loch in Scotland would suggest that there is something mysterious going on in these glacial formed lakes.

The Sightings
No documented sightings of the Loch Quoich Monster could be found at this time.

The Stats – (Where applicable)

• Classification: Loch Quoich
• Size: Unknown
• Weight: Unknown
• Diet: Unknown
• Location: Loch Quoich, Scotland
• Movement: Swimming
• Environment: Glacial formed loch