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Not much is known about the elusive New Jersey Gator Man, we do know that during the summer of 1973, the residents of New Jersey’s Newton-Lafayette area were plagued by what eyewitnesses described as a large, humanoid alligator. A local journalist who covered the story compared the creature to an enduring Native American legend about a giant, man sized fish that could never be caught. Perhaps what makes the New Jersey Gator Man stand out the most amongst the other Lizard Men is the fact that its existence was publicly acknowledged by a state employee.

The statement came in 1977, when New York City Conservation Naturalist, Alfred Hulstruck reported that the state’s Southern tier was the apparent home of “a scaled, man like creature which appears at dusk from the red algae infested waters to forage among the fern and moss covered uplands. Although this is the only “official” comment in regards to the New Jersey Gator Man, the simple fact that a city official publicly acknowledged the creature existence says something for its credibility.

The Evidence
No physical evidence of the New Jersey Gator Man has ever been brought to light, however eyewitnesses reports and a public acknowledgment from a city official votes well for the existence of this creature.

The Sightings
During the summer of 1973 residents of Newton-Lafayette area were plagued by eyewhitness accounts of a large humanoid alligator.

The Stats – (Where applicable)

• Classification: Hybrid
• Size: 6 to 7 feet tall
• Weight: unknown
• Diet: Unknown
• Location: New Jersey’s Newton-Lafayette area
• Movement: walking
• Environment: Swamp Land